Flood Questions | Andrea Dunn
I wonder if Noah considered sneaking a few extras on the boat. I wonder if he asked God for any exceptions, say for his good buddies, or Japheth’s best friend’s parents, or that helpful guy at the lumbermill. I wonder if God told him to invite anyone he wanted, but Noah’s zeal was too off-putting. Like the wire-haired guy with too few teeth on the street corner shouting that Jesus is coming tomorrow afternoon, so get on board. Hurry up and get on board.
toes curl
lips crack
eyes break
hair tangles
lungs flood
bodies float
until they don’t
Am I not merciful?
I don’t deserve the ark if you don’t.
So why do I envision myself chosen?
I hear my own footsteps on the gangplank.
I see clouds gather at the horizon.
Why wouldn’t I insist the ark must be for everyone if it is for me?
Which bodies are essential?
Flooded bodies
Flooded humans
Humans flooded
Human bodies
The earth carries the flesh
and the flesh carries the souls.
Should souls carry the earth’s body
into an ark to save it
and save us?