Cara Howard
Let Your Words Be Few is a collection of poems written in response to the book of Ecclesiastes. The title comes from the second verse of its fifth chapter: “Don’t be quick with your mouth or say anything hastily before God, because God is in heaven, but you are on earth. Therefore, let your words be few.” (Common English Bible) These poems trace my own spiritual journey which mirrors that of the Biblical writer, Qoheleth.
Though my world contrasts sharply with Qoheleth’s ancient context, our respective stories follow a similar trajectory. Questions and disappointing experiences prompt a trial-and-error approach to life. Wrestling with injustice leads to doubt and despair. Ultimately, unsatisfying answers compel us both to find a way to live with unresolved tension.
Qoheleth claims “the more words increase, the more everything is pointless.” (Ecc. 6:11) With this in mind, I crafted these poems using word magnets from a refrigerator poetry set. This playful format illustrates the divinely fixed limits within which humans attempt to find meaning in our existence. Working with a single set of magnets forced me to take apart and rearrange them to create something new from something old. The short life of my poems, captured only in photographs, reflects the temporary impact of all our efforts as well as the fleeting nature of time. Finally, by using a toy designed for in-home use, I assert that each person’s experience matters: whether one is the most highly esteemed king of Israel or a modern-day American mom like me. The admonishment to “let your words be few” has long been weaponized by those in power to silence other voices. For those who often go unheard, the practice of using our words becomes an act of holy resistance.
Like Qoheleth, I have learned to assume a posture of humility in the face of uncertainty. In this world filled with both beauty and pain, this surrender offers me some existential relief in my struggle. Perhaps true faith can be found only along this well-worn path.
Let your Words be Few
About Cara
Cara Howard is a writer of essays, memoir, and poetry that explore motherhood, identity, belonging, and faith. Her work has been published in various journals, including The Windhover, The Unmooring Journal, MUTHA magazine, and the anthology The Order of Us. She lives with her family in Carmel, Indiana. Follow her on Instagram @carahoward_writermom and @fewwordspoetry, where you can find photos from the interactive portion of this RSA exhibit.