Kate Oberreich
Throughout my experience with the RSA seminar, themes of movement and travel of people and their needs in that travel impacted me most. The story connected and further influenced my work surrounding narratives of how water both creates and separates communities, is necessary to survival, is owned by people and/or countries, and establishes borders while simultaneously being the means of reaching new places.
The artworks I created for exhibition, titled Absence and Abundance, primarily utilize water-based media and media requiring water (including watercolor and cyanotype) to illustrate the thought of contained/separate waters, scarcity, and who "deserves" access to it.
About Kate
Oberreich is an Indianapolis based painter employing multiple mediums including water media, cyanotype, embroidery, and collage. She received a BFA in painting from Ball State University in 2005, with additional studies in classical cultures and mythology. Kate’s work often explores themes and narratives associated with the concept of finding home and community, both literally and figuratively.