After escaping a life of forced labor, an alcoholic clairvoyant woman who was orphaned as a child discovers she has dangerous powers and embarks on a perilous journey with her newly reunited brother to finally make sense of her past and fight forces that could destroy humanity.
Structure & Tone
The show will be a five act 45 minute epic cinematic fantasy sci-fi series.
Flash backs and Flash forwards will be used to tell the story as the past influences the present and the future.
Visually saturated, rich tones and cinematic camera photography will be used to elicit emotion and carry the audience on a thrilling adventure.
A highly intuitive woman trapped working for a dangerous man who happens to be the only father figure she knows, drowns herself in alcohol in order to numb her pain…and her gift to see the future. Orphaned as a young girl and then traumatically separated from her younger brother life hasn't been easy for Miriam...but she is a survivor.
Miriam utilized her gift of prophecy on the streets to survive until she was "discovered" by Rowland and forced to work in his business in exchange for shelter and food. As a little girl she always knew when someone was going to die or something life changing was going to happen to them.
She learned that being the bearer of bad news was not the way to have repeat clients or to earn money for her boss. So Miriam learned to use alcohol to dampen her gift and invent more acceptable fortunes people were willing to pay for.
One day a mysterious man comes to have his fortune read. What Miriam sees changes everything she has ever known about herself. She sees her future tied up with his and her life is changed forever.
The stranger helps her escape captivity after she almost loses her life after being attacked by a man outside of a club. When she ends up in a supernatural fight she discovers the true power of her gifts.
Miriam presses the stranger further and he confesses that he has been on a quest to find a Seer who will help fight a battle to save humanity - and he believes it's her.
Miriam, an alcoholic clairvoyant woman is forced to work for Rowland as a fortune teller in one of his shady businesses. She hasn’t known any other life since he took her off the street as a 9 year old girl. He noticed that she was able to predict things and they actually happened and he immediately started capitalizing on that.
Miriam constantly searches for her younger brother whom she was separated from as a child. He was 6 years old when she hid him so he wouldn’t be taken by the man either. Miriam is afraid to leave town because she believes her brother is in the city somewhere. Besides if she tried to leave, her “father” has eyes and ears everywhere.
She can’t shake the guilt of why she couldn’t have foreseen being separated from her brother. It haunts her day and night.
Hence the drinking.
Jared has spent his life training to fight. He doesn’t even remember his life before he began training as a child. He was part of an order of Warrior Monks found deep in the mountains of Jamaica. He was trained to fight enemies that cannot be seen with the naked eye that come from other realms to terrorize and colonize this world.
He cannot fight alone.
But in his last battle he lost his partner, Zavi, who was his Seer and now he’s traveled a long way to find another Seer. Zavi filled that hole in his heart for the life he never knew. Even though now she is gone, his mission is still there. There is a new and more dangerous threat in the world colonizing people’s minds and if he doesn’t find a Seer soon and gather the new warriors the earth will fall into chaos.
Elkanna is the leader of the forgotten Warrior Monks where Jared has trained his entire life. These monks were once mortal humans who take a vow to become bi-immortal and remain on earth to train other warriors. They cannot die but must wait until they are given permission to cross over into the eternal realm.
The monks dedicate their lives to overcoming fear and training only the chosen ones to do so as well so they can fight the destructive forces that have entered our earthly realm eons ago. They grow and adapt along with humans. They work to open portals to even stronger forces. The more advanced humans get the easier they are to colonize.
The Enemy is without and within
Today our world is more divided than ever. The truth that was hidden away for so long has come to the surface. People are now choosing their sides as they process the evil that has been permeating every aspect of our lives for so long.
The process of working together for a common goal is difficult. It requires painful personal growth, facing hard truths and choosing sacrificial love.
The evil forces that Miriam and the others face represent the evils that try to rip humanity apart today. Racism, sexism, hate, greed, etc.
Before these outliers can fight the outer demons they must fight their own inner demons, harness their powers and become a true team.
Together they must train with a secret sect of monks led by Elkanna made up of all ethnicity, genders, and beliefs who have come to one point of agreement. Evil has to be stopped.
They are masters at fighting fear and they only trained those who’s hearts are called for this level of fight.
A small unassuming fortune teller's shop sits tucked between a plant shop and a salon.
The room looks like someone tried to make it cozy with multicolored fabrics, beaded curtains and a small succulent plant by the only window facing the street.
MIRIAM, late 20's, in a bright headscarf and long patterned dress sits at an ornate round table with a cheap red and gold fringed Jacquard table cloth.
Glancing up at a security camera and positioning herself just so the lens can't see what she's going to do next, Miriam reaches underneath the table and pulls out a beautiful wooden box. It doesn't seem to fit the raggedy furniture around her.
She reaches in her blouse and takes out a wad of cash. She counts it and removes a few bills from the stack. She puts the larger stack back into her bra and opens the lid of the wooden box.
Placing a few bills into the box and closing the lid, She glances at the inside door leading to a back room before she opens a secret compartment in the box.
She moves aside a roughed cut Emerald and pulls out a photo of a
young girl and boy smiling with their arms around each others' shoulders. They are probably seven and four years old. Her intense gaze softens and she smiles and runs her finger over the photo.
She takes another drink from her goblet.
I've almost got enough saved to get
out of this hell hole and find you.
FOOTSTEPS up to the backroom door. She knows those steps a mile away.
She quickly shoves the picture back into the secret compartment and puts it under the table.
ROWLAND, late 40's, medium build, dirty blonde hair walks into the shop. He smiles when he sees Miriam. But it's not the welcoming type of smile.
Miriam, good to see you my dear.
Here for your money?
Wow. Not even a "hello" for the man who
saved your life? No "hey, dad?"
Don't twist up the story, Rowland. You
took me off the street when I was a
The most talented kid I'd ever seen. I
mean I'll never forget how my guys
all over the city were talking about this
kid who could make predictions and they
would come true 100% of the time.
I knew I had to "save" you from the
streets. If I didn't someone worse woulda.
Tell yourself whatever you want,
Rowland. But you can't keep me here
Look around, Miriam. You're the one still here. And you know deep down inside you want to be here in your little, safe cocoon.
Miriam doesn't answer.
Shuffling from behind the door before it swings open with a bang. It's one of Rowland's largest guys, HARRIS. He's bloodied and holding a gun.
Hey boss. We took care of the-
Harris looks at Miriam. His hardened face breaks into an unexpected smile, and nods his head gently in her direction.
-the insurrection. What do you want us
to do now?
Make sure there's no connection back
to me. Now get out. Can't you see I'm
talking to my daughter?
Right boss. My bad.
He looks at Miriam and ducks his head.
Harris leaves.
You know that's how I think of you,
Miriam. As a daughter.
Well I have no father.
You know one day my patience is going
to wear out.
He walks behind her and puts one hand on her shoulder. She flinches. He holds out his other hand in front of her face. She reluctantly reaches into her blouse and gives him the wad of cash.
Oh you've been working overtime.
Good girl.
He puts it in his pocket and swings around and sits across from her. He puts his hand out.
Read it.
She hesitates.
Remember I know if you're lying. And
you know what happens if you lie.
She touches a small scar on the side of her head.
She takes his hand.
A light begins to glow from her hand as she traces the lines
on his hands with her eyes. He closes his eyes while she continues to trace the lines.
She sits back. He opens his eyes.
You aren't going to die today. Or for
a long time...unfortunately.
That's my special girl. Remember don't
be giving anyone else a reading of
when they're gonna die. It's bad for
business. And it'd be bad for you too.
He smiles at her and for a moment that little girl feels happy that her "father" is proud of her.
She drops his hand. He gets up and pats her on the back and walks to the door. He turns around and smiles. This time with affection.
I do consider you a daughter even if
it's not perfect, Miriam.
He looks towards the window.
Looks like you have a customer. I'll
let you get to it.
He leaves.
Miriam lets out a long breath.
The door opens ringing a little bell.
A MAN early 20's, dressed in all black enters. He looks like a man who has his fair share of fights on the regular.
You don't look like my regular
He sits down across from her without saying anything.
Look if you're not here to get your
fortune read just get out.
I want my fortune read. I'll pay you well...
if you're legit.
That's not how this works, mister.
He pulls out a wad of cash and puts it on the table.
Miriam stares at him for a moment, then takes a drink out
of a glass goblet on the table.
She begins to prepare the space. She turns off the lights.
Draws the curtains and lights some candles.
A lot of people are suspicious about
this stuff but I can see things about
people. I can see their futures, when
something life changing will happen.
She shuffles cards and places them on the table.
So what do you want to know? Most
people want to know when they will
fall in love or when they will get rich.
She looks at the wad of cash on the table.
But looks like you already have that
part figured out.
I want to know how I'm going to die.
She stops what she is doing and take a long drink from her
goblet finishing it off.
You. are funny. I can't see that.
You can't?
I don't believe you.
Believe it.
If you're as good as I think you are
you'll be able to see the truth no
matter how much you drink to dampen it.
Haha. You got jokes.
He picks up his money to leave.
Wait. I'll try.
He nods and sits back down. She shuffles the tarot cards and places them on the table.
No this can't be right.
What is it? What did you see?
She pushes the cards away.
Give me your palm and just relax.
He hold out his hand and she traces the lines on his hand
with her eyes. Her hand starts to glow. It begins to get
So it's true.
You can see that? I thought only I could-
She is jolted inside of a vision. A flaming sword and a man wielding death with it, his eyes lit with white fire. A woman walks up next to him holding a glowing orb, turns around and looks right at her. Miriam stares into the eyes of
A dark creature swoops over her and vision-Miriam lifts her hands and shoots a bright light into the creatures stomach defeating it.
A dark shadow in the shape of a man approaches her. It throws
Miriam to the side and runs his sword through the man that
was with her. She screams as he falls to the ground.
Miriam opens her eyes. Tears are streaming down.
That wasn’t supposed to happen.
What did you see?
She doesn’t answer.
What did you see?
I don't understand.
She looks into her goblet.
I measured the proportions perfectly.
One part vodka, one part orange soda,
one part amaretto... so I wouldn’t see
when people...
She stares at him.
Tell me.
Who are you? I saw myself with you. We
were fighting and you had this flaming
sword and - and then you... Why was I
with you?
Man doesn’t say anything.
What was that thing you were fighting?
Like a monstrous shadow. I saw it come
out of this man at the club last night
after he grabbed me and...
Did he hurt you?
No. I - I actually hurt him. I didn't
mean too. He grabbed me and this force
came out of me and he flew back and
hit his head and this shadowing thing
came out of him and I think it-
Where did it go?
I-I don’t know.
Does anyone else know?
I didn't say anything. I was scared.
The man sits up straighter and looks at her intently.
What does it mean?
It means it has already started.
What? What has started? Stop being so cryptic.
She almost laughs and then it hits her.
Deep down she knows what he’s saying is true even though it
sounds crazy. She pulls out a flask from her sleeve and takes a sip and then offers it to him.
He grabs it from her.
It’s time to sober up.
He puts the flask down gently on the table, her eyes following her flask. Miriam's eyes furrow as she notices some markings on the inside of his wrist.
She looks at him but he won't meet her gaze.
She slowly moves his sleeve and sees the birth mark in its entirety.
She turns her wrist over and puts her arm next to his.
She looks at him with tears in her eyes. They hold each others gaze...
A wind begins to blows through the room. His eyes turn completely white. Her succulent falls off of the window sill.
Miriam turns around to look. No one is there.
She swivels back towards the man who's eyes are bright.
She waves her hand in front of his face but he doesn't come out of his trance.
BANGING on the back door.
She swings back around and the man is gone.
No! no! Please don't go! Jared! I just found
you! Come back, Jared please!
Rowland bangs the door open and enters with Harris.
She grabs the money off of the table, hiding it in her skirts before he can see it.
What the hell happened in here?
I-I don't know. I read his fortune and
he - he left.
Rowland looks around the room suspiciously.
I think you're lying.
You have been acting really
disrespectful lately. I think my
patience has runs out.
He lifts his hand to hit her.
She puts her hand over her head to protect herself. He grabs
her wrist where her birthmark is and a pulsating energy
radiates out throwing Rowland and Harris backwards. Rowland
is knocked out. Harris's leg is pinned under a fallen bookcase.
Miriam grabs her box and shoves the wad of cash into it. She
stuffs everything into her shoulder bag and runs out of the
The little bell dings as she runs outside into the light.
The Inspiration
I wrote this story because of my own struggle with embracing that still small voice inside of me. Embracing it meant stretching my faith in the unknown. It meant living from a different place than what the world system values. It meant being an OUTLIER in a way. I learned it's not just an inner voice but the Spirit speaking to me. I pushed it down for so many years but as I listened more to God's spirit the more enriched my life has become. I wanted to see a story about a strong black female lead who learns to see the strength in who she was created to be and embraces it. No longer trying to be what someone else wants her to be but breaking free and using her powerful gifts to do something that impacts the world.
Throughout the series Miriam will use her gifts in concert with other OUTLIERS like herself to fight the evil forces that work to destroy humankind and overtake the world. She learns that in order to do great things she has to overcome her fears, stand in her power and become the leader she never imagined she could be.
Biblical Miriam
Miriam was the daughter of Amram and Jochebed; she was the sister of Aaron and Moses, the leader of the Israelites in ancient Egypt. When Pharaoh was ordering genocide of infant boys, Miriam helped her mother hide her younger brother, Moses (whom some say she called Jared) from being murdered and watched over him as he was floated down the Nile River and eventually found and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter.
Like her people, Miriam was a Hebrew slave in Egypt. Pharaoh used her gifts (and others) for his own gain. No one in slavery can truly use their gifts to the fullest. They will always be hindered in some way.
In the biblical narrative of The Exodus, Moses leads God's people including his sister Miriam, out of captivity and into the wilderness. Miriam is described as a "prophetess" when she leads the Israelites in the Song of the Sea after Pharaoh's army is destroyed while in pursuit of God's people.
The one she helped, helped her get her freedom. She was able to use her gifts of prophecy, leadership and creativity to worship the God who delivered her people from hundreds of years of slavery.
What is to come?
In season one Miriam and her brother, Jared, are reunited. However it's been 15 years and they have changed a lot from when they were kids. They both most find the others and travel to the Red forest to train with Elkanna and her secret sect of warrior monks.
Season 1
Season 2
In season 2 the group must face new challenges. Jared's long time love Zipphorah joins the group causing some tension. Miriam is forced to make a difficult decision. Miriam meets a stranger that seems to capture her heart.
Season 3
In season 3 the enemies are not only in this realm but a portal is opened to another dimension where our heroes are trapped. Can they work together to defeat their most formidablle enemies yet?
Season 4
In season 4 Jared and Miriam are finally reunited with their parents and they learn their true history and why they were sent to earth.
she must heal from her past, face her fears and learn to master her powers in order to fufill her destiny
in order to complete his quest he must fight his inner demons and open his heart so he can realize his full power and help his sister save the world.
leader of an ancient secret sect of warrior monks must train miriam and jared to face their fears and save the world
Dija Henry is an award winning film and stage actress, community advocate, filmmaker and author of I Dare You Not to Compare Yourself with Others. She holds a B.A. in Acting and Biomechanics from Purdue University. She is currently in the Social Practice Art Masters Program at the University of Indianapolis.
Dija is the Executive producer and co-founder of Blue House Entertainment LLC. which is a social impact entertainment company dedicated to telling diverse stories that facilitate heart changing conversation to elevate our culture to a more equitable, inclusive and empathetic society. Her films can be found on Amazon Prime and Vimeo on Demand.
Dija is of Jamaican and Indian descent, raised with a global mentality and a sensitivity to cultural issues. As a descendant of Activists, Christian preachers and Hindu priests, she believes that serving others is part of her purpose here on earth.
For over 17 years she has served with The Felege Hiywot Center, an urban farm that uses STEM programming to teach leadership skills to at-risk youth. Dija has also served two Americorps terms winning the Americorps Impact Award for her service of significance and impact in the city of Indianapolis, IN.