Dija Henry
I applied for RSA with the hope of developing a creative process that integrated my spirituality into my art. Every week I was hoping for a lightbulb to turn on and I would just “get it”. But what I actually got was the courage to go on the journey. I learned that being the type of artist I desire to be means allowing myself to open more deeply and expand into the unknown with each idea and each project. I know now my art and spirit aren’t separate and they never have been. RSA helped me see that.
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About Dija
Dija Henry is an award-winning film and stage actress, community advocate, filmmaker and author of I Dare You Not to Compare Yourself with Others. Dija is the Executive producer and co-founder of Blue House Entertainment LLC. which is a social impact entertainment company dedicated to telling diverse stories with mental health themes that facilitate heart changing conversation to elevate our culture to a more equitable, inclusive and empathetic society.